The social media giant Facebook has taken steps to engage visually impaired users with a newly-launched image recognition program that will describe photos in a voice-over for the visually impaired. The director of policy for Facebook in Australia, Mia Garlick,…
Category: News & Blog (page 3)
Largo Lions Support Blind and Visually Impaired Children
The Largo Lions Club once again sponsored the Lighthouse of Pinellas Annual Family Picnic and Egg Hunt. The members of the Lions Club generously provided a bounce house, prizes for the children and a delicious lunch on Saturday, March 12th…
We Have Braille Ballots for the Upcoming Florida Presidential Primary
Braille ballots are available at our front desk at Lighthouse of Pinellas. We are located at 6925 112th Circle North, Suite 103 in Largo, FL 33773-5200.
Did Stem Cell Therapy Cure a Blind Florida Woman?
The short answer is nobody knows. Even her doctor, a board certified opthamologist isn’t able to declare with any certainty how her patient regained her sight. More than 3 million Americans suffer from serious vision loss. What we do know…
New Study Suggests Sexually Transmitted Disease Can Cause Blindness
An Australian research study suggests that a strain of the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia may cause blindness. A strain of chlamydia has long been known to cause trachoma, but scientists had previously believed the two strains to be separate. Now,…
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology Finds 1/5 of Low Vision Patients Experience Visual Hallucinations
A new study conducted by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) and published in the Canadian Journal of Ophthamology has found that 1 in 5 low vision patients suffer from visual hallucinations known as Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS). …
February is National AMD and Low Vision Awareness Month
The federal government estimates that 135 million people worldwide suffer from low vision, a visual impairment, not correctable by standard glasses, contact lenses, medicine, or surgery, that interferes with a person’s ability to perform everyday activities. Age-related macular degeneration is a…
Matthew’s Story
Matthew’s eye exam was supposed to be a routine 6-month checkup. It was exhausting trying to keep a 4-year old with Cerebral Palsy and ADHD amused in a wheelchair while his eyes dilated. “I was relieved when the doctor called…
Lighthouse of Pinellas Receives National Accreditation
Lighthouse of Pinellas is pleased to announce that is has been reaccredited by the National Accreditation Council for Blind and Low Vision Services. Reaccreditation is a significant milestone in Lighthouse of Pinellas’ ongoing process of seeking to employ best practices…
Kailea’s Story
Kailea came to the Lighthouse of Pinellas when she was six months old. Learning their daughter was both blind and deaf, Kailea’s parents wondered, “How will we communicate with her? Will she ever learn to walk without the motivation most…